Gao Zhisheng Re-Appears

After a press release was sent out by China Human Rights & Amnesty Tuesday reporting that Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng had gone missing.. presumably picked up by the Chinese security apparatus ..AP is reporting that he is now back home.

Last night AP put out a report saying 

An outspoken Chinese human rights lawyer who disappeared for two weeks and was allegedly being held by security forces at an unknown location has returned home, an international rights group said Tuesday.

Gao Zhisheng, who has described being tortured in the past by Chinese security officials, is currently safe after Western diplomats pressed China on his case, according to Human Rights Watch.

The New-York based group did not give any other details and said it was not immediately clear when Gao was let go.
Gao, a bold critic of China’s civil rights lapses, disappeared on Jan. 19 and was "subsequently detained by Chinese security forces," according to a joint letter issued earlier Tuesday by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Human Rights in China that expressed fears for his safety and called for his release.

Full report at