From One Child Policy To One Dog Policy

The BBC World Service are loving this story and by this time tommorrow there won’t be a media outlet on the planet, except maybe the Tripoli Daily, not reporting it…

AFP is reporting? Shanghai authorities have adopted a one-dog policy, passing a law limiting homes to one canine each as it tries to curb the growing popularity of man’s best friend in China’s leading metropolis.

Here’s the story in full, unfortunately it’s a bit light on puns

The law takes effect May 15, the official China Daily reported Thursday.
Under the law, dog owners must also give their pets’ puppies to eligible no-dog households or to government-approved adoption agencies before the pups reach three months, the report said.
Anyone currently owning two or more licensed dogs will be allowed to keep them, it added
Dog ownership has grown alongside China’s fast-expanding middle class with official estimates putting Shanghai’s pet dog population at 800,000 — although only a quarter of that number are registered, a previous report said.
The government had said tighter regulation was needed due to rampant barking, unscooped waste, and the growing risk of dog attacks, which affect the city’s environment and sanitation.
There were about 58 million pet dogs in 20 major Chinese cities at the end of 2009 and the figure is rising about 30 percent each year, according to a survey by Beijing-based magazine Dog Fans