Former Legal Ed Of The (UK) Telegraph Says More Open Courts In 09 Better For Legal Journalism

Joshua Rozenberg in conversation with Journalism UK has suggested that..

Legal journalism could benefit from more open courts in 2009.


The Journalism UK website reports:

Greater transparency and access to court information could give a much need boost to shrinking legal reporting in the UK, according to Joshua Rozenberg, former Telegraph legal editor

Speaking to, Rozenberg, who has left the Telegraph to pursue new freelance work alongside his columns for the Evening Standard and Law Society’s Gazette, says plans to open up family courts to the public and the launch of the Supreme Court in October could offer new opportunities for legal journalism.




"If you have less legal coverage in the newspapers it is more important that public bodies make themselves as accessible as possible to individuals and members of the public who want to follow these events," he explains.

"You still need journalism and journalists, but at least there is the resource available for an intelligent member of the public."