Former lawyer pens satirical books about his old profession

After spending 50 years practicing law, Tom Morrison knew exactly what he wanted to do: Write satirical novels about lawyers. “I tried writing a spy novel once, but I knew nothing about that. And I didn’t want to write a legal thriller,” says Morrison, who writes under the name TC Morrison. “There’s a lot of fun in the legal world. I think a lot of lawsuits are funny and amusing. So I wanted to write a farce about litigation.”

And write he did.

His newest book is “Please Pass the Tort$,” the sequel to “Tort$ ‘R’ Us,” and features the zany exploits of twin brothers Patrick A. “Pap” and Prescott U. “Pup” Peters, who leave their stodgy law firms to start their own plaintiffs’ class action firm in the belief that it will be an ideal way to make more money and have more fun.

“I think a lot of lawyers tend to be stuffy and full of themselves, thinking everything they do is immensely important. Lawyers do a lot of good work, but there’s a lot of humor in what we do,” says Morrison.

“People love jokes about lawyers, and it’s because so many take themselves so seriously. So many of them are stuffy and pompous, and I thought it would be good to puncture the balloon of trial lawyers, particularly in the class action field.”

Read more at the NY Post