Former American Idol Star Arrested In Fentanyl Delivery & Distribution Scheme

OK not normally the sort of thing we report  but it does act as indication of the current state of affairs with regard to Fentanyl a scourge as a result of opioids and now compounding the issue.

Law & Crime reports……..A former American Idol contestant is now facing a federal drug charge for her alleged role in a drug distribution scheme. Antonella Barba, 32, allegedly delivered drugs including cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl for a multi-state drug ring, according to a court document that was unsealed on Monday. Barba was first arrested in Norfolk, Virginia on Oct. 11, when she was allegedly caught delivering approximately two pounds of fentanyl.

The federal indictment against her also mentioned heroin and cocaine. Barba was already facing state charges when the federal indictment was filed. She had been let out on a $50,000 bond in the state case, but she’s back in custody until she faces a hearing in the federal case, where she is charged with conspiracy to distribute the aforementioned drugs. The state case against her has been dropped.

According to The Virginian-Pilot, Barba was just one of several people involved in the alleged conspiracy, with others still at large. The operation allegedly took place from late 2017 through the fall of 2018. At the time of her 2017 arrest, Barba was allegedly directed to deliver 830 grams of fentanyl, which is equivalent to just a little more than 1.8 pounds.