With the ongoing effects of climate change, the Arctic region is becoming one of strategic geopolitical importance. It is also home to many Indigenous nations, which have attained varying degrees of self-government and international representation. This webinar will try to provide an overview of Indigenous self-governance in the Arctic, with an emphasis on the experience of the Inuit of Canada. Indigenous political structures provide examples of consensus-based governments and co-management of natural resources in collaboration with national governments. The webinar will also touch on the experience of Alaska Natives, Greenlandic Inuit, Sámi peoples of the Nordic countries, and the Chukotka people of Russia.
This webinar will be presented by Foreign Law Specialist Michael Chalupovitsch. Michael’s work at the Law Library covers primarily Canada and the Caribbean jurisdictions. Michael holds a J.D. degree in common law from the University of Victoria and an LL.L in civil law from the University of Ottawa.
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