A lawyer in an Audi-Q5 was arrested by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Friday when deputies said he refused to stop honking his horn in an effort to incite the Pro-Palestinian crowd taking part in an anti-Israel protest.
According a police report, which we just obtained and have published below, Andrew Marc Klein of Parkland positioned his Audi in a way that was directly visible to the protestors, then continuously honked in an effort to incite the crowd. Klein, identified in the police report as a lawyer — with no religious affiliation — told police he had the right to honk. His honking led to an alleged physical altercation with another protestor — Ameer Shihadeh — who knocked Klein’s cellphone out of his hand. Klein was using his phone to record Shihadeh and the police. Klein demanded that police arrest Shihadeh, which they did. They then arrested Andrew Marc Klein.
Another Pro-Palestinian protester was also arrested at the event when police say he ran through traffic and ripped an Israeli flag from a passing car, throwing it to the ground.
Lawyer Andrew Klein, In Audi Q5, Arrested At Pro-Palestinian Protest In Boca Raton