Been a while since we’ve reported any legal developments in Fiji .. after the Fiji Law Soc was mysteriously burgled after the last coup it all went a bit quiet on the legal front. Not hard to work out why.. as the report below says.. “Fiji has had trouble retaining both foreign and local judges in recent years.”
We learn from the Aus Broadcasting Corp that Fiji has now? appointed five new resident magistrates following the resignation of three earlier this month.
The five local lawyers were sworn in before the President, Chief Justice and Attorney General.
Fiji has had trouble retaining both foreign and local judges in recent years.
The president of the Fiji Law Society, Dorsami Naidu, recently said the poor retention rate is due in part to the travel restrictions, and concerns over security of tenure for local judges.
The appointment of the five local lawyers brings the total number of magistrates in Fiji to 22.
Two magistrates, from Australia and New Zealand, are expected to be appointed in Fiji soon.