Here’s the latest selection of muckraking from Firm Spy…
The usual .. jnr lawyers pay freezes and partners earning shedloads of dosh – if you’ve read Firm Spy before you’ll know what they like to highlight…
No Thaw in Sight; Mallesons Pay Freeze Set to Stay
November 20th, 2009
We received the following insight from an anonymous Mallesons spy last night: When the Mallesons pay freeze was introduced it was implemented on the basis that it would be reviewed in December against how the firm was tracking against budget. In recent centre by centre reports on a detailed employee survey (the Vibe) Mallesons undertakes every two […]
Incredible Update on AAR Lawyer Salaries & Performance Reviews
November 19th, 2009
Sounds like some of the figures we reported earlier in the week in the Allens Arthur Highway Robbery Robinson Lawyer Salary Report were off the mark. If you believe the comments of the anonymous AAR spy below, anyhow. The comments about the successful achievement of its ?distribution curve?, if true, offer the most candid insight into […]
Rumour PWC Set For Third Major Restructure in 12 Months
November 18th, 2009
It sounds like something is definitely on the cards (again!) at PWC. Not satisfied with the cost saving yielded by ditching client Christmas cards and removing chocolate buscuits from the shopping list, an anymous PWC spy has revealed that more heavy-handed cut-backs are apparently looming: PwC to restructure AGAIN! So the rumours are running rampant aroudnd the […]
The Tony Awards; DLA Phillips Fox Partners Give Gong New Name
November 17th, 2009
It has been a while since we have heard anything from DLA Phillips Fox and whilst we had hoped something lighthearted might appear in our inbox, this is what we regrettably received from an anonymous DLAPH spy yesterday: DLA PHillips Fox Performance is performance managing instead of making people redudant to avoid paying packages. I alone […]
Firm Spy Remuneration Report – Allens Arthur Robinson Lawyer Salaries
November 16th, 2009
Following our very popular reports into the remuneration of lawyers at: STOP ALLENS ARTHUR HIGHWAY ROBBERY! Mallesons; Freehills; and Minter Ellison we today move onto the salaries paid to lawyers at Allens Arthur Robinson. Allens reported the fifth highest revenue of any Australian law firm in 2008/2009 with $415,000,000.00. Top partners apparently earned an incredible $1,400,000.00 over the same period. Chief executive […]