Extended Early Bird Offer For BIALL Conference

This turned up in our in box yesterday…

BIALL write:  

Online Booking Now Available & Extended Early Bird Offer

BIALL 40th Annual Study Conference & Exhibition
Thursday 18 June 2009 to Saturday 20 June 2009
University Place Conference Centre, Manchester

Dear Colleague,
Online booking is now available via the BIALL website – it’s quick and easy to complete, and to make the most of this new facility we are extending the Early Bird booking offer to the 8th May.   With registration fees lower than our 2006 prices and an extension of the early bird offer, you have to agree that is good value.
"Locks and Keys: Safeguarding Legal Information" is the theme of the 2009 BIALL Annual Conference and Exhibition and is shaping up to be another busy and exciting Conference.
Members should have received the Conference Brochure by post – for ease of reference it is also available via the BIALL website.
The provisional programme  and we are especially pleased with the content this year.  Sessions offer a range of relevant topics regarding copyright and data security and also reflect the impact of the economic climate on legal information professionals:
Dave Snowden, KM guru and our Keynote Address

  • Copyright and data security
  • Change Management
  • Web 2.0
  • Marketing your skills

Keep up to date with any amendments to the Conference programme through the BIALL website.

Gillian Watt  Information Services Manager