Eversheds Survey Says Most Attractive O’Seas Mkt For UK Law Colleges Is China

No surprise there then …. this? recent survey by UK firm Eversheds has found that further education (FE) colleges will be looking internationally for potential growth.

Here’s what they reveal …

The survey of 289 FE colleges across the UK showed that:

88% of responding colleges had or were creating an international strategy

74% of responding colleges using overseas agents to help recruit students

The most attractive overseas market for the colleges was China (34%) followed by the Middle East (20%), South East Asia (14%) and India (11%).

Findings from the survey indicated that colleges already undertaking international work are establishing the necessary structures, with 85% of colleges, which had established partnerships with overseas organisations, had signed legally binding agreements.

Although most colleges expected to collaborate with overseas colleges, 69% also expected to work with other types of body, both in the public and private sector. 80% said they would use e-learning methods to reach learners in territories that would otherwise be unviable in terms of face to face tuition. Responding colleges were not only interested in the recruitment of overseas students to study in the UK, indicated by the 37% which also have considered setting up a campus overseas.

Colleges that did not undertake international work cited a range of reasons, but the cap on the number of visas issued for students applying from outside the UK was the single most common reason.

Partner Glynne Stanfield said:

?International students are increasingly comparing the attraction of study in a range of countries, since education and training in English is now widely available across the world.? Further education colleges will need to continue to demonstrate that they offer students good value for money as well as high quality education if their international collaborative activity is to flourish and be sustainable. Colleges embarking on international operations need to ensure that they have robust arrangements that will withstand legal scrutiny.

?Most colleges are starting from a low base but are putting in place the structures required to undertake international operations.? In order to do so successfully, they will need both practical help and government support if they are to develop sustainable international partnerships in an increasingly competitive market place.?