Edinburgh lawyer cycles thousands of miles home after delivering medical supplies to Ukraine

Edinburgh News reports

A human rights lawyer from Portobello returned home on Saturday having driven an ambulance car full of medical supplies to war-torn Ukraine and cycling home to raise money for a charity working to help children there. Andrea Fraser arrived back in Edinburgh on Saturday (November 5), completing her solo round-trip to Ukraine to deliver more than £11,000 of maternity equipment for use by midwives and doctors on the country’s frontlines.

The 31-year-old has raised more than £7,000 for Baby Lifeline’s Ukraine Appeal by cycling solo from Ukraine to Scotland. Andrea completed her final leg, from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Edinburgh at the weekend, marking an end to a three-week 1,250 mile cycle across Europe. Reflecting on her journey, Andrea said: “My ride back from Ukraine has been full of highs and lows. There have been beautiful days, like the one on which I arrived in Wurzburg, Germany, and was invited to spend an evening with members of the local Ukrainian community there.

“And there have been difficult days of pedalling up relentless hills in the pouring rain and coming off my bike. Seeing the amount raised for Baby Lifeline gradually increase throughout this trip has kept me going. I know that every pound donated will be spent on equipment that will save mothers and babies’ lives. It’s great to be back home in Scotland. Although I’ll be putting aside my bike for a while, I won’t be taking a break from our work in Ukraine. If anything, I’m more motivated now than ever.”

