Dystopian Legal Future Beckons In China

Not often we’ll reference a Daily Mail (UK) report but the latest developments in China’s new “Rule of Law (Read Beijing)” carries on apace. Worth reading for the video alone

The Mail write

The real life RoboCops: ‘Legal robots’ are being used in China to help decide thousands of cases and issue arrest warrants

  • Machines stand three-feet-tall (90 centimetres) and move around on wheels
  • They have a human-like torso and toaster-shaped heads fronted by a screen
  • The robots are used to review cases, check facts, and offer sentencing opinions
  • They can even hand out arrest warrants and ‘approve indictments’


They can even hand out arrest warrants and ‘approve indictments’, said prosecutors in the eastern province of Jiangsu, where the robots are being piloted.

So far the machines, which have reviewed 15,000 cases since they were deployed last September, have only dealt with simple cases such as traffic violations.

They have flagged issues and corrected mistakes in more than half of these cases, from which 541 convictions were commuted.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4760912/Legal-robots-used-China-help-decide-real-cases.html#ixzz4p5jojm5I