Draft convention for the protection of the profession of lawyer

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Draft convention for the protection of the profession of lawyer

Request for an opinion | Doc. 16094 | 13 January 2025

Committee of Ministers

1 Letter from the Secretary to the Committee of Ministers to the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly (Strasbourg, 17 December 2024)

Please find enclosed the draft Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of the Profession of Lawyer (document CM(2024)191-add1 rev), which the Ministers’ Deputies agreed at their 1515th meeting (11 December 2024) to transmit to the Parliamentary Assembly for opinion as soon as possible. You will also find attached, for information, the Explanatory Report (document CM(2024)191-add2).


Zoltan Taubner, Secretary to the Committee of Ministers

Appendix 1 – Draft Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of the Profession of Lawyer

This document is available by clicking on this link.

Appendix 2 – Draft Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of the Profession of Lawyer – Explanatory report

This document is available by clicking on this link.

Draft Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of the Profession of Lawyer

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