Don’t Be Evil !! Google Boosts Legal Chief’s Pay With $23 Million in Stock

Alphabet Inc.‘s legal chief will see his annual base salary increase to $1 million this year from $650,000, the company disclosed in a securities filing Tuesday.

J. Kent Walker Jr., the company’s chief legal officer and president of global affairs, will also receive performance and restricted stock units valued at $23 million, according to an 8-K filing by the Google parent.

A tranche of performance stock units with a target value of $5 million has been earmarked for Walker, as well as another tranche of restricted stock units valued at $18 million, the company said.

Mountain View, Calif.-based Alphabet didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment about Walker’s pay package—part of a new compensation arrangement for senior executive team members.

Walker and three other executives will also be eligible to participate in a maximum $2 million annual bonus program based on contributions to Google’s social and environmental goals in 2022, according to the filing.
