Deirdre Dare Publishes More Mediocre Erotica About Lawyers

For those of you following the ever more predictable career trajectory of ex Moscow A&O lawyer Deidre Dare and her “writing” career

Both Roll on Friday and Above the Law have been paying close attention…

ATL report

We have another episode in the saga of Deidre Dare, one of our favorite laid-off lawyers. She was an attorney in Allen & Overy?s Russia office until she penned typed a salacious online novel about her expat adventures, which featured lots of drinking, sex, drugs, donkeys, and dwarves. After the firm let her go, she sued.

Dare?s still in Moscow, where she writes an often controversial column for the Moscow News called sExpat. The latest reveals that Deidre likes it rough:

Anyone who has spent even five minutes in bed with me knows that I have a strong proclivity for S&M. My experience in the area ranges from the mild (spanking) to the extreme (ball gags, golden showers and the like), according to how much experience my partner has and what he or she likes.
The column goes on to praise Russia?s abusive men. Dare writes: ?If you?re hanging out with real men and you?re a little slutty, you?re going to get hit. Period.? Roll On Friday photoshops A&O?s chairman into being a ?real man? here.

Ed. note: We at Above The Law do not condone physical violence against women. We do, however, condone violence against the commenter ShaFeef.

In a previous column, Dare said money was tight and suggested that prostitution might be a way out of her money woes. That might have led to more hitting than even Deidre likes. Luckily, she?s come up with a different way to make money. She?s written another book. Its title, fittingly, is SLUT.

Dare sent us a Facebook message recently with news of her book:

We’ll let you go there to read about the amazing plot line (not). Sex with Australian lawyers appears to be the flavour of the month..I’m sure most Australian women would be only too happy to let her have her way with sleazy sydney solicitors. one less for them to deal with