CRIV Report – Kluwer Tax / Cheetah Update

Several law school libraries that subscribe to Wolters Kluwer’s Cheetah database and platform have experienced multiple issues with unexpected and unpredictable missing content for several months.  Briefly, here is what happened and an expected time frame for fixing the issue.

Originally, tax content was managed by the Tax and Accounting (TAA) division at Wolters Kluwer.  In August of 2019, the Legal and Regulatory (LAR) division took over management of the tax content.  The missing content problem stems from the period when TAA was managing the content.  When renewals came up this past year, TAA renewed content to Intelliconnect, the prior platform, instead of to Cheetah.  To update the system properly, LAR has had to move content manually from Intelliconnect to Cheetah on a law school by law school basis, which is taking time to complete based on the volume of content that needs to be transferred.

Completion of the manual movement of content to Cheetah is expected by the end of February this year.
