Court reporting to benefit from €6m government fund

Irish legal News reports

A new scheme to support the media in reporting from local, regional and national courts is to be be established by the end of the year.

The setting up of the courts reporting scheme will be one of the “initial priorities” for the new Media Fund, which has been allocated €6 million for 2023 but could eventually see its annual budget rise to as much as €30 million.

The establishment of the scheme was one of the recommendations of the Future of Media Commission Report and is included as a priority in the implementation strategy and action plan published yesterday.

The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media will develop the broad parameters of the scheme and work with Coimisiún na Mean on its rollout in 2023.

There will be engagement with key stakeholders including the Courts Service, print media and the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) to determine the scheme’s objectives, parameters, systems and mechanisms.

Catherine Martin, the minister in charge of the Department, said: “This plan sets out how government intends to give effect to the accepted recommendations within the Commission’s report, and is a blueprint for enabling the continued development of public service media in Ireland in light of the transformation which the sector has been undergoing.

“A key element of the ongoing implementation will be stakeholder engagement, and my officials will shortly be inviting a range of stakeholders to participate in the process.”

She added: “It is vital that our media services reflect the diversity of audiences they seek to serve. Coimisiún na Meán will engage with broadcasters and content providers to ensure all strands of Irish society have a voice and that there is a pathway to their inclusion in public service media.”,much%20as%20%E2%82%AC30%20million.