Cornell Law School Event: Being a Video Game Lawyer

Video Game Law Association (VGLA), Sports and Entertainment Law Society (SELS), and the Intellectual Property & Technology Student Association (IPTSA) are hosting a talk with Arjun Ravi, associate at Fenwick & West and member of Cornell Law’s class of 2015. Arjun will be discussing the various areas of law that a video game lawyer might cover and sharing his experiences as part of the gaming group at Fenwick. Thai food will be served!

Being a Video Game Lawyer

Monday, March 9, 2020
G90 (Total Room Capacity:149)
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Gabriela Markolovic

Funded by the GPSAFC. Open to the Graduate Community. Please contact Gaby Markolovic at gm387 for any special arrangements you may require in order to attend this event.