Colorado Shooting Spree Suspect Was Self-Published Author Who Wrote About Fictional Killing Similar to Real-Life Murder

The deceased suspect in a recent Colorado shooting spree wrote and self-published novels, at least one of which featured a fictional murder with disturbing parallels to one of the real-life killings.

Lyndon James McLeod, 47–under the pseudonym “Roman McClay”–wrote books about a character named “Lyndon MacLeod,” according to The Denver Post. One of these books featured a scene in which the character went to an apartment complex on the 1300 block of Williams Street, wore police gear, and killed people while armed with a rifle. The victims in this–for lack of a better term–fictional account reportedly included real Denverites. Details from one of the attacks in Monday’s shooting spree closely mirrors this story–including the tactical gear, the street, and obviously, the character’s name– though only one man is said to have died in that encounter.

Police have said that McLeod was the person who opened fire in several locations on Monday afternoon across the cities of Denver and Lakewood, killing five people, and injuring two. Yet the final person he shot–a Lakewood police officer–managed to fire back despite her fresh injury to the abdomen. McLeod died. The officer is in stable condition, and has had surgery but needs more, cops said in an update Tuesday afternoon.

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Colorado Shooting Spree Suspect Was Self-Published Author Who Wrote About Fictional Killing Similar to Real-Life Murder