Civil suit filed against Las Vegas lawyer accused by FBI of running Ponzi scheme

A Clark County man has filed a civil lawsuit against the local lawyer, and others he associated with, who is accused by the FBI of running a Ponzi scheme here in Nevada, California, and Utah.

Mark Murphy is the plaintiff in the lawsuit against Matthew Beasley, the Beasley Law Group, Jeffery Judd, and several other companies. In the suit, Murphy claims that between 2017 and 2022 Beasley and Judd convinced him to invest million of dollars in short-term investments, written into contracts, that would pay a return of 7.5-13% in 90 days.

Murphy claims Beasley and Judd said the invested money was being used to pay slip-and-fall victims quickly as the legal process continued.

In the lawsuit Murphy claims that from 2017 until March 2022, there were more then 163 investors that shelled out more than $16 mil. in contracts.

The lawsuit lays out 17 ’cause of action’ items, the first 12 of them laying the groundwork for a civil RICO allegation including: fraud, embezzlement, conspiracy to defraud, and obtaining money and/or property under false pretenses.

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