Christian Porter, he’s back for the umpteenth time this week, lodges appeal in Federal Court

He’s obviously applying his mind to his portfolio and governance .

If only Judge Judy was on the case


Lawyers Weekly Australia report on his latest attempt to supress reality.

Christian Porter lodges appeal in Federal Court

Christian Porter has lodged appeal documents in the Federal Court over a decision made during proceedings against his defamation barrister Sue Chrysanthou, a day after the original dossier detailing the rape allegations was made publicly available.

Marque Lawyers managing director Michael Bradley tweeted on Friday, 25 June that the former Attorney-General had lodged an appeal from the judgement against him and Ms Chrysanthou. Mr Bradley represented the friend of the woman who accused him of rape, Jo Dyer, who argued Ms Chrysanthou breached confidentiality.

Mr Porter is appealing the ruling to remove Ms Chrysanthou from his legal team, despite already settling his defamation dispute. If successful, Mr Porter may then argue to lift a suppression order on sensitive messages between Jo Dyer and ABC presenter Annabel Crabb prior to an interview in the latter’s house.