Chinese IP Firms Use Slowdown As Oportunity To Train Lawyers

Interesting press release from Yaxley Education who provide corporate education services in China….

The release tells us that Chinese IP firms have started to invest in  staff training during  the slowdown

They write:

The slowdown in growth in patent filings in China has provided many IP firms with an ideal opportunity to improve their employees’ skills.

 Beijing—- The slowdown in growth in patent filings in China has provided many IP firms with an ideal opportunity to improve their employees’ skills. In recent months, many firms in mainland China have increased their budgets to develop, nurture and retain their employees in an industry that continues to starve of talent.

According to figures released by the World Intellectual Property Organization in January, China enjoyed a growth rate of 11.9% in patent filings during 2008. This figure compares to 38.1% growth over the same period in 2007.

Yaxley Education, one foreign-owned corporate training firm based in Beijing, has seen an increase in the number of law firms looking for training providers. The firm recently signed training contracts with China’s first privately owned intellectual property law firm, China Sinda Intellectual Property. The law firm is the fourth to sign with Yaxley Education in the past six months.

Not the best news for any IP lawyer looking to head east from London or New York to see if they can pick up their career..but encouraging to see Chinese firms invest in their staff and start to tackle the enormous IP hurdles that China faces.