China Says US ‘Must Not Interfere’ Over Lawyer Deportation

A practice source article on this topic got us phished and a 10 hour site outage this week…see the date of China’s foreign ministry announcement – we got hacked the prior night. Just coicidence?


China said Thursday the United States “must not interfere” in its judicial affairs, hitting back at criticism from Washington over the repatriation of a Chinese human rights lawyer from neighbouring Laos.

Lu Siwei was arrested by Laotian police in July and transported back to China last month, where he is likely to face legal repercussions, a rights group said.

The US earlier denounced what it called Lu’s “forced repatriation”, calling for details on his whereabouts and assurances on the ailing activist’s access to medical care.

But Beijing’s foreign ministry brushed off the statement on Thursday, saying Washington “should earnestly respect China’s judicial sovereignty and must not interfere in any way with Chinese judicial authorities in handling cases in accordance with the law”.

“China is a country governed under the rule of law,” ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press briefing.

“Judicial authorities hear cases strictly in accordance with the law and fully protect the legal rights of concerned personnel.”