Just in case you weren’t aware….
The China Law Blog disseminates information via FB as well
China Law Blog On Linkedin. Join Us.
About a year ago we started a China Law Blog Group on Linkedin with the goal of creating a spam-free source for China networking, information and discussion. We now have well over 3,000 members and, more importanly, a number of lively discussions.
We have had approximately 200 discussions, generated by more than 150 members. We have had some absolutely terrific discussions, both based on the numbers (a number of the discussions have received around 100 comments and some have gone over 200) and on their substance. Our discussions have ranged from practical (such as, how do I open a China bank account or what are the best practices for a China Joint Venture) to deep think (such as, what is the future of rule of law in China?).
I am most proud of how (at least as far as I know) no spam item has yet lasted on the site for anything approaching 24 hours.
If you want to learn more about China law or business, if you want to discuss China law or business, or if you want to network with others doing China law or business, I suggest you check out our China Law Blog Group on Linkedin and join up. The more people in our group, the better the discussions.
Article at? http://www.chinalawblog.com/2011/05/china_law_blog_on_linkedin_join_us.html