Obviously we’d prefer it if they paid us to advertise? “Recent China Briefing Publications and Complimentary Downloads ” by China Briefing. But let’s be honest that’s unlikely so in the spirit of public service here’s all their latest info..
New China Briefing Book Releases
Doing Business in China
The successor to our ?China Business Bible,? this new, completely updated 156-page book covers all aspects of business in China, from the different types of legal structure, the full tax implications, human resources and labor issues, including cost analysis, intellectual property matters, a complete overview of China?s free trade and development zones, and on-going compliance issues such as tax filings and license renewals, audit and closure issues. Priced at US$40.
The China Tax Guide (Fifth Edition)
This popular book fully updated with all recent tax changes and amendments, details all taxes in China affecting businesses and individuals, how to calculate the amounts due, tax registration and filing procedures, tax minimization techniques, and claiming VAT rebates. It also details good financial management techniques, handling negotiations with the tax bureau and annual audit and compliance procedures. Priced at US$40.
Setting Up Representative Offices in China (Fourth Edition)
The regulations for the establishment, operations and scope of activities for representative offices in China underwent significant changes last year. This completely revised guide explains all the regulatory changes in full, how to cater for these, the financial implications and the new filings and tax calculations that now result. We also overview the limits of activities an RO can be involved with and provide details of alternative legal structures for businesses. Priced at US$40.
Intellectual Property Rights in China (Second Edition)
From covering protocol for dealing with trade fairs, to the application processes for trademarks, patents, copyright and licensing, as well as dealing with infringements and enforcement, this technical guide is a practical reference for those concerned with their IPR in China. Priced at US$40.
Transfer Pricing in China (Second Edition)
This new technical guide deals with all aspects of transfer pricing in a practical perspective, from designing and implementing a transfer pricing system, to managing China compliance and preparing for an audit. Priced at US$40.
China Briefing Magazine
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Its Impact on China Subsidiaries
Our overview of the legal and compliance of the FCPA on U.S. businesses, including the definition of ?foreign official,? and what to do if visited by federal investigators, and a summary of recent cases. Priced at US$10.
Financial Management in China
Dealing with good practice and compliance with Chinese and overseas regulations in the financial management of a foreign owned business in China, including internal checks and balances, financial due diligence and an examination of areas of non-compliance and fraud. Priced at US$10.
Operational Costs in China?s Inland Cities
In which we examine the complete operational costs of running a factory in China, including labor, rental, and logistics, and compare the costs of this in the cities of Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Hefei, Nanchang, Taiyuan, Wuhan and Zhengzhou. Priced at US$10.
Special Reports
Conducting Due Diligence in China
In which we take the overseas executive through varying stages of legal, financial and operational due diligence and highlights common areas of concern. Importantly, the report discusses areas of manipulation that can exist in the examination of Chinese companies, including legal documentation, techniques of assessing financial statements, asset checks such as land use rights, fraud within human resources claims and how to evaluate government involvement and liabilities. Priced at US$40.
Complimentary Downloads
Twenty Lessons in Managing an SME in China
Twenty practical lessons over SME development and management in China, gleaned from 20 years of first hand China experience. A must-read for all small businesses and new-to-China entrepreneurs.
Moving from China to India, Vietnam and Emerging Asia
An analysis of factory operational costs in China, India and Vietnam, comparisons between legal structures, labor costs and taxes, and the costs of closing a China factory, including redundancies, against starting a green field site in Asia. Also includes overviews on business cultural differences and commentary on Cambodia and Laos.