Not really the most exciting of news – but as they say. For the record
CCH Canadian Limited have sent out a press release? announce the launch of Competition Law Clearinghouse
Here’s the release in full..
CCH Canadian has become the first legal publisher to enter the realm of blogging when its group blog went live on Monday, April 4. As James Cappio, editor of the blog, put it, “We’re aiming to create the go-to site on the Internet for the Canadian competition bar-the centre for news, analysis, and opinion in this critical field. We’re convinced there’s a place for an open, interactive online space for competition lawyers.” The pre-launch response has been positive. “The major competition law departments have expressed interest, and I expect that the thought leaders in the field will come to see us as the place where they can get the widest exposure and the broadest response to their work.”
CCH takes the social media aspect of the new blog seriously. “We will repost items from firm Web sites and contribute the occasional news update, but the bulk of our content will be short original contributions by outside lawyers-in a word, blog posts,” says Cappio. “And there will be comments.”
The blog format offers several advantages to contributors. “First, immediacy. We can report and take comments on news as soon as it breaks,” Cappio said. “Second, we’re free. There is no charge to appear in our blog, making us that much more accessible. And third, we can offer not just a national but a worldwide audience. Our parent company, Wolters Kluwer, sponsors competition law blogs in the United States and the European Union, and we’ve already had discussions about merging the three. Even before that happens, we’ll have links and cross-posts, so that Canadian contributors will gain exposure on two continents.”
CCH is confident that the group blog format will come to be widely adopted. As Cappio puts it: “Lawyers can sometimes be slow to adapt new technology, but the future of the profession is interactive. This is our first blog, but it won’t be our last.”
Competition professionals and other readers are encouraged to take an active role and contribute to the discussion on Competition Law Clearinghouse <> ?and to follow us on Twitter @CCHLegalBiz_CA <> .