“Appellate Mediation: It’s Not Too Late”

“Appellate Mediation: It’s Not Too Late”

On Wednesday, 8/28 @ 8:30 to 9:30, BHBA presents a Zoom webinar: Appellate Mediation: It’s Not Too Late by John Derrick: Why appellate mediation can make sense even if a case proved resistant to settlement before, and how the dynamic differs from mediating cases still...
UK: It’s out! New edition of Transparency in the Family Courts

UK: It’s out! New edition of Transparency in the Family Courts

“The publication of this excellent book is extremely welcome,” said Sir Andrew McFarlane when Transparency in the Family Courts: Publicity and Privacy in Practice, written by three of our trustees, Julie Doughty, Lucy Reed KC and Paul Magrath, was first published, in...