Cases Database In China

A series of useful posts on the China Law Discussion list over the past few days with regard to Chinese court cases on line…

On Sunday – this post (please note for readers of Chinese only)

This morning’s Beijing News has a strong editorial on a subject near and dear to my heart: extending greater publicity to court judgments as a key means of increasing transparency in the judicial system.[email protected]

and then yesterday from Paul Jones  of  Jones & Co Toronto, Ontario who writes

There are two further articles on this topic this morning:
北京河南等地裁判文书库系统日前建成 全国近6万件生效判决书上网公开
The second article claims that China now has the world’s largest database of court cases. Apparently today is the launch of a national network of court documents. It provides this link but I have not had time to check it out.
Certainly I can personally verify the increase in IPR cases online since the beginning in 2003. The cases are so numerous that it is difficult to cope with the flood of information. It is good to see that it is being expanded.
I hosted a dinner here for a delegation of judges from Liaoning Province in February. They told me that they were all using the online cases.