LexisNexis Australia , has? announced the launch of its new CaseBase? Case Citator application for iPhones, iPads, and iPods .
We’re told that the app enables “direct access to Australia?s most comprehensive and current collection of case citations, digests and journal articles from anywhere, at anytime, helping legal professionals and law students to save even greater research time and costs.
Most importantly the app is free for subscribers to CaseBase Case Citator.
Here’s the rest of the press release..
?The world of law is becoming increasingly mobile, with lawyers needing immediate access to crucial results and information on the go, for example at court,? said Marc K. Peter, director of Technology and Business Development at LexisNexis Pacific. ?LexisNexis is dedicated to providing efficient solutions to assist our customers. By combining trusted content from CaseBase, which recently reached more than 500,000 entries, with the capabilities made possible by mobile technology, LexisNexis is able to bring a more comprehensive legal research experience to our customers.?
The CaseBase Case Citator app allows users to:
? Search for cases by case name, case citation or keyword
? Email links for search results, entries and full text judgments
? View detailed entries, including catchwords and digest, citations, cases considered and referred to, legislation considered, appeal proceedings and referenced journal articles
? View a full text judgment in the LexisNexis Report Series or Unreported Judgments, with a suitable subscription
? Bookmark and organise searches and entries into folders
? View research history for searches and entries.