Edited by: Alex Zhang, Katherine Siler
Tags: Animal Law
Teacher’s Manual available
334 pp $52.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-1693-7
eISBN 978-1-5310-1694-4
Across the globe, legal protection of animal rights continues to be a significant problem, and the level of protection varies dramatically among countries. Yet, no treatise has compiled resources and strategies on how to research these critical topics at both a domestic and international level. The purpose of this book is to fill the gap. Featuring 12 research experts specializing in U.S., foreign, international, and comparative law research, Global Animal Law Research collects these experts’ perspectives, knowledge, and experiences researching various animal rights and welfare topics.
The chapters in this book identify, discuss, and analyze research resources, strategies, and current and emerging legal frameworks on animal rights and welfare in the laws of more than 15 countries across five continents. In addition, this book touches on a diverse set of research methods in both common law and civil law legal systems, including regulatory research, legislative research, statutory research, case law research, international agreement research, and comparative law research. Each chapter focuses on a singular, important, and well-defined legal topic, identifying unique problems within that topic and exploring practical yet effective approaches to address these problems.
With its detailed exploration of the otherwise unexplored process of researching animal law, this book will benefit a global audience of faculty and students in law schools with active animal law programs; animal law practitioners; animal law policy groups and advocates; and international animal law interest groups and organizations.