Capitol rioter who yelled “America first, bitch!” lawyer argues client’s brain wasn’t fully developed

Most likely true.. but still no excuse !

A 20-year-old Capitol Hill rioter from Bucks County, Pennsylvania was sentenced to 14 days in prison, despite his lawyer’s suggestion that his brain may not have been fully developed on Jan. 6, 2021.

Leonard Pearson “Pearce” Ridge IV was just 19 years old when he drove from Pennsylvania to Washington DC to participate in the riot that caused $1.5 million in damages and saw 140 police officers injured by the mob, outraged over the 2020 election results.

Ridge, who is one of the youngest defendants charged yet by the Department of Justice, busted down the doors to the offices of Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. He admitted to spending nearly 40 minutes inside the capitol.

A Snapchat video he took and later shared showed the chaotic scene inside the Capitol. A voice can be heard yelling: “America first, bitch!”

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