Call For Papers For Legal Reference Services Quarterly (LRSQ)

Legal Reference Services Quarterly (LRSQ) is a peer-reviewed journal featuring scholarly research and practical insights into law library management and legal information studies globally.


LRSQ is abstracted/indexed in De Gruyter Saur; IBZ – Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur; EBSCOhost; Academic Search Complete; H.W. Wilson; INSPEC; Legal Source; MasterFILE Complete; TOC Premier; Elsevier BV; Gale; Academic OneFile; InfoTrac Custom; LegalTrac; National Library of Medicine; PubMed; OCLC; ArticleFirst; Library Literature; Ovid; ProQuest; Aerospace Database; Civil Engineering Abstracts; Engineering Materials Abstracts; Material Business File; METADEX; PAIS International; and Technology Research Database.


We are currently seeking scholarly research (under 7500 words) and practical insights (500 to 2000 words) in the following areas:


  1. Law library management in a hybrid work and learning environment, including but not limited to: space design, strategic planning, recruitment and retention, impact, and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  2. Innovative service development in teaching, reference, research, outreach and engagement, scholarly communication, user interface (re)design, metadata, discovery systems, and access services.
  3. Technology and legal information services in areas such as information and data visualization, artificial intelligence, big data, empirical research, data analysis and management, digitalization, database evaluation and management, implementation of technologies, and open-source tools development.
  4. Value maximization of archives and special collections in the digital environment.
  5. Libraries and vendor relations.
  6. Open access to information, data, and relevant tools.
  7. Studies in information-seeking behavior, pedagogies, active learning, legal informatics, bibliometrics studies, and research methodologies.
  8. Copyright and information/data privacy.
  9. Libraries and access to justice.
  10. Libraries, information, and design thinking.
  11. Misinformation/disinformation, “fake news,” evaluation criteria, and opportunities for libraries.
  12. Critical law librarianship, critical legal research, and critical legal information literacy.


Please submit your manuscript(s) in English in Word format using the journal Submission Portal by February 15, 2022. All submissions must be exclusive and original. We welcome early submissions. Review of submissions will start on January 15, 2022. Please direct any questions to Alex Zhang ( prior to submission.