Call for Nominations for the CILIP Knowledge and Information Management Group Awards

They write….
K&IM Walford Award

Do you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to knowledge and information management services? Why not nominate them for the prestigious CILIP Knowledge and Information Management Walford Award? Nominations are welcome from anyone who knows and respects the work of the nominee.

Previous winners include Richard Ovenden, Naomi Korn, Sue Lacey-Bryant, Paul Corney and David Gurteen.
Nominations close on 15th August 2022 
Please submit your nominations to [email protected].uk
Information Resources Awards 2022

Have you spotted a notable and really useful information resource recently? Why not nominate it for the Knowledge and Information Management Group Information Resources Awards 2022
We are looking for outstanding information resources, whether in print or electronic format, that are available and relevant to the knowledge, information management, library and information sector. Electronic nominations can be in the form of a website, e-book, blog, training programme, etc.
2021 Winners were Knowledge Management: a practical guide for Librarians by Jennifer Bartlett (Print Award) and www.themaninseat61 (Electronic Award)
Closing date for nominations is 31st July 2022 Please submit your nominations to [email protected]

We now also have 2 KM awards. Details coming soon.