We could be wrong but I think this is the first lawyer to serve a state governor in the Covid – 19 crisis..
At this very moment in time the suit sounds totally out of place.
The question will arise after 8 weeks or so.
This particular lawyer jumped the gun…….
The NY Post reports
A Brooklyn lawyer has filed suit against Gov. Andrew Cuomo claiming his executive order prohibiting large gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic violates his rights to free speech and to observe his Jewish faith.
In a lawsuit filed on Friday in Brooklyn federal court against both Cuomo and the state government, attorney Lee Nigen also claims that Cuomo’s statements urging New Yorkers to limit their travel infringe on his rights to meet with clients, friends, family and “like-minded people.”
Cuomo signed an executive order requiring closure of businesses deemed non-essential on March 20.
Three days later, he signed an order imposing an indefinite ban on large gatherings.
As of Friday, Cuomo had not imposed a travel ban.
But Nigen alleges that the governor’s public statements urging New Yorkers to stay home as the COVID-19 outbreak rages on creates a “chilling effect” for would-be travelers.
More at https://nypost.com/2020/03/27/brooklyn-lawyer-sues-cuomo-over-coronavirus-orders/