Brasilian Congress Proposes “Taylor Swift Law” to Increase Penalties for Ticket Scalpers

Lawmakers in Brasil have proposed a new bill that would increase penalties for ticket scalping. Nicknamed the “Taylor Swift Law,” the proposal comes after the pop star recently announced that she’d be bringing “The Eras Tour” to the country, which led to reports of violent scalpers in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro once tickets went on sale.

Scalping is already recognized as a crime in Brasil, but Congresswoman Simone Marquetto wants to reinforce the existing penalties. As translated from Portuguese by The Brazilian Report, the bill suggests increasing the maximum jail sentence for scalping from one year to four years, and sets fines of up to 100 times the price scalpers were asking for tickets. That means for Swift’s concerts, fines could reach the equivalent of $125,500.

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Brasilian Congress Proposes “Taylor Swift Law” to Increase Penalties for Ticket Scalpers