Booklist Announces Free Online Access for All

ALA Publishing | American Library Association

Booklist Announces Free Online Access for All

All Booklist and Book Links content on is now freely available until further notice.

“The COVID-19 threat is unprecedented and will continue to cause extreme disruption, both personally and professionally,” said George Kendall, editor and publisher of Booklist Publications. “At Booklist, published by the American Library Association, we want to help minimize these disruptions where we can for all library staff along with their students and patrons. With that in mind, we hope the following information and resources will be helpful.”

“We appreciate our readers and understand you are facing major challenges and disruptions,” Kendall said. “Please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help.”

Free online access includes:
-More than 25 years of recommended print and audiobook reviews, features, interviews, spotlights, and classroom connections
Booklist and Book Links replica digital editions, which can be read on desktop or mobile devices
Advanced search functionality
-Readers’ advisory and collection development tools

For an enhanced online experience and to read digital editions on mobile devices, sign in to your existing online profile or complete the free profile form. Note that a profile is not necessary for reading online content, but having one will allow you to save, share, and download your work.

To learn how to put Booklist Online to work, please view this informative video tutorial.

For additional questions about Booklist Online, please check out our extensive FAQ or email Find additional Booklistcontact information below.

Webinars, e-Newsletters and Other Digital Communications

In addition to opening online content, Booklist is planning regularly scheduled communications and updates to our readers via our e-newsletters and special communications.

Booklist’s exceptional free webinars will continue as scheduled.

Please check our blog, Booklist Reader, and Booklist‘s Twitter and Facebookfor regular updates.

Booklist Contact Information

The health and safety of all who interact with Booklist is of paramount importance. Booklist is open for business during COVID-19; however, Bookliststaff are working remotely. Booklist will continue to publish according to the regular production schedule, which includes 22 issues per year and four Book Links issues per year.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A Note to Publishers and Producers

With Booklist and publishing staff working remotely, Booklist is requesting digital submissions. For print titles, both Youth and Adult, please send PDFs as attachments with full bibliographic and descriptive information. We can also accept widgets and open, unrestricted links to NetGalley or Edelweiss. For audiobooks, please send open and unrestricted links for download. For more specific information and other editorial questions, please contact us:

• Youth: Maggie Reagan,
• Adult: Donna Seaman,
• Audio: Heather Booth,

Please direct subscription-related questions to Dan Kaplan,
Please direct webinar-related questions to Melissa Carr,
Please direct Booklist Reader questions to Briana Shemroske,
Please direct social media questions to Grace Rosean,

Booklist and the American Library Association

Booklist is an American Library Association publication. Please read the American Library Association Executive Board COVID-19 recommendations:

ALA Publishing | American Library Association