ISBN13: 9781526521651
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781526508379
Published: November 2022
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £120.00
In stock.
The importance of blockchain and cryptocurrencies is continually evolving. Written by well-known experts in cyber law, the new 2nd edition of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: International Legal and Regulatory Challenges includes:
- New chapters on remedy and tracing, and money laundering and professional duties (including Ransomware)
- Expansion of the cryptocurrency chapter
in addition to coverage of:
- Blockchain – IP/ownership/legal consequences of use/areas of regulation
- Crypto Assets – Security of wallets/IP/Data Sovereignty
- The internet of things – Current regulation/ability of smart cities based on IOT to comply with pending legislation/regulation
- The impact of GDPR/DPB
- How Blockchain will impact on ownership of raw materials, eg energy, power and water and the legal implications
- Comparative international compliance regimes/cross border jurisdiction issues
- International cyber enforcement and certification
- Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) – Regulation and liability
Case studies, flowcharts and handy checklists are also included for ease of use.