Bill creating database for controversial school library books passes Virginia House

Florida & now Virginia….

This is how the Virginian Pilot is reporting it

Lisa Varga recalls fielding questions from concerned parents as Harry Potter mania swept the globe in the early 2000s.

Some were worried about the witchcraft; others didn’t think books about a boy wizard had any literary value. As a librarian, she welcomed their inquiries.

“I would explain that it was getting a generation of kids to love reading and to use their imaginations,” said Varga, executive director of the Virginia Library Association. ”It would start a conversation.”

But she fears meaningful discussions about books are becoming rare as political debates about bans or restrictions heat up nationwide — including in Virginia.

The House of Delegates passed a bill this week that would require schools to create a database of library books that contain graphic content. Parents could view it and instruct schools to prevent their children from accessing certain material. Those who back the measure say it would empower parents. Others argue it would burden school staff, demonize certain books and lead to further restrictions down the road.

“When people don’t come to us and just make assumptions, and then create legislation that would impact us, it’s problematic,” Varga said.

Del. Tim Anderson, who introduced the bill, brought to the House floor Wednesday several books that can be found in some school libraries.

He shared images of women being raped from a graphic novel version of “The Handmaid’s Tale” and showed excerpts from “Gender Queer” about masturbation and oral sex.

“There is actual fellatio being performed in the book,” said Anderson, a Virginia Beach Republican. “It’s fellatio; it’s graphic fellatio in the school library.”

Judge Pamela Baskervill listens to petitioner Tim Anderson cite blocks from the graphic novel "Gender Queer" during an obscenity lawsuit hearing in Virginia Beach Circuit Court on Aug. 30, 2022.

The delegate then showcased “Assassination Classroom,” a Japanese science-fiction series about students tasked with killing their teacher, an octopus-like creature with superpowers who wants to destroy Earth.

“This one is particularly interesting and timely,” said Anderson, in an apparent reference to the 6-year-old student who recently shot his teacher in Newport News.

Del. Kelly Convirs-Fowler, D-Virginia Beach, said processes are in place that allow parents to share concerns about school library books. Legislators didn’t need to get involved, she said.

She then recalled reading the classic Greek play “Oedipus Rex” in high school.

“What graphic content: incest, murdering one’s father, gouging out one’s eyes,” she said.

The bill ultimately passed the House this week with a vote along party lines, but likely will face a tougher road in the Democrat-held Senate.

If it becomes law, James J. Fedderman, president of the Virginia Education Association, said it would burden school staff already spread thin as they try to address a recent decline in test scores.

“We need these critical school personnel to be laser focused on efforts to improve literacy,” he wrote in an email. “There’s no room in their schedules to attend to unhelpful bills.”

But others say parents should have the right to ensure their children aren’t reading books that conflict with their family’s values.

Todd Gathje, director of government relations for the Family Foundation of Virginia, said many parents want more transparency from public schools.

“You have a real clash between some of the content that’s being presented in the classroom or showing up in the school bookshelves versus the right of the parents to direct the education of their child,” he said.

Controversy over books is nothing new, said Jatia Wrighten, assistant professor of political science at Virginia Commonwealth University.

But she said the debate in Virginia has heated up under Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who made parental rights a cornerstone of his campaign.

During his first month in office, Youngkin launched a now-defunct email tip line for parents to report educators for teaching so-called “divisive concepts,” such as critical race theory. He later drew criticism from LGBTQ advocates when he pushed for teachers to inform parents about a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

Nationwide, Wrighten said pushes for so-called parental empowerment tend to target curriculum or material focused on minorities.

“There is definitely an undertone of wanting to disclude marginalized groups or perspectives,” she said. “I am going to suggest that most of (these efforts) will empower parents who are already in positions of power in this country.”

As a former K-12 teacher, Wrighten added that it seemed unwise to focus on books when gun violence is a problem in schools.

“Why should we be concerned about children being hurt by reading about something when they can actually be physically hurt or killed by actual weapons getting into schools?” she asked.

Regardless of whether the bill passes, Varga hopes parents will refrain from judging any book’s worth based on a few pages. Librarians carefully select books they believe will be meaningful to the population they serve, she said.

“Their collections are developed under principles of timeliness, relevance, factual accuracy and the needs of the community,” she said. “This is a skill that is developed over time and through continuing education.”

Despite all the debate, some don’t think the bill would have much impact.

Allison Cox, a senior at Kecoughtan High School in Hampton, said most adolescents have cellphones or computers and can probably figure out how to read what they want online. Even with parental locks, she said, tech-savvy teens can usually find a way around it.

Cox added that she believes most efforts to restrict books backfire.

She said controversy over “The Hate You Give” — a novel about a young Black man who is shot by a police officer — just encouraged more adolescents to track down a copy.

“It was just a regular book, then it started getting banned in some places, and then people wanted to read it, and I think they made a movie about it,” she said.

“I think people are just more attracted to the forbidden.”