BIALL Conference UK – bookings are now open for our 2021 Online conference running Wednesday 9th – Friday 11th June 2021

Here’s all the info

Our theme is Bodies in the library: sleuthing, plotting and making the case so break out the magnifying glass and put your thinking caps on and come along for a packed 3 days. We’ve plenary sessions with cross-sector appeal with topics such as the future of legal education, the role of parliamentary research services, collaborating with vendors, and the information professional’s place in a changing world. There is a great range of parallel sessions too where you can hear case studies on launching new services, empowering users and finding new ways to teach and engage users to name but a few.  One of our highlights has to be the keynote address from Joshua Rozenberg QC (hon) who will be taking us to a Destination unknown – join us to find out more!

All of us have been affected by the pandemic and for many of us our working lives may never be the same again. Our programme includes several opportunities to explore this with discussion groups on topics including technology, training, and future careers, as well as a number of sessions exploring the impact in areas such as the print vs online debate.

Click here to view the programme and check out our event platform for more information about the speakers and sessions.

The format is a little different to the usual conference, with programme sessions running over half the day (Wednesday morning, Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon). On the opposite half of the day delegates will have the opportunity to visit the online exhibition hall where they can catch up with suppliers to find out about the latest products and services. Each supplier will have their own exhibition booth where they can host product demos, display promotional materials and guides and chat online with delegates. We hope to offer some competitions as well as a version of the popular passport game. The Exhibition & sponsorship flyer is with our suppliers now so if you have a meeting with your account manager coming up be sure to ask them if they are attending the conference.

No conference would be complete without the social events so join us on Thursday evening for some sleuthing with Sherlock Holmes and then let your hair down with a spot of virtual music bingo on Friday night (sorry that’s the closest we could get to a band and dance floor).

Thanks to our Main Conference sponsors LexisNexis, vLex and Thomson Reuters and their recognition that opportunities for continuing professional development are vital to the health and longevity of our legal information community, we have been able to offer a full conference package for just £80 +VAT for BIALL members and day delegate passes at just £40 +VAT.

Making your case

Looking for some help writing your business case to attend? Perhaps our Dear manager note can help.

Booking info

Follow the 5 steps below to book online or click on the green Register button on the event platform.

  1. Complete your personal information
  2. Select the type of attendance (Registration items) – 3 day package or selected days. Please note if you wish to attend as a Day delegate for more than one day you should select the first day in this screen and then any additional days in the next screen.
  3. Select the parallel sessions and discussion groups you would like to attend from the drop down menu and click Select to add to your registration (see theProgramme for full descriptions). Please note you do not need to select the Day delegate options in this screen unless you are a Day delegate registering for more than one day.
  4. Review your registration choices – you should see the package or individual days you have selected, as well as the parallel sessions, discussion groups and any social events. Use the Previous button to amend if necessary.
  5. Select your payment method – you can pay online now with a credit card, or select Offline to receive an invoice – and click Submit to complete your registration.

Once your registration has been processed you will receive an email confirmation including the invoice from Events team ( This email contains all your registration details as well as the link to the conference you will need to access the event in June. If you requested an invoice it will be attached to this email but you also have a link to download it again should you need it.

If you have any questions about registration please contact Sovereign Conference (

See you online!


Julie Christmas & the BIALL Conference Committee