BIALL Conference 2022
A conference is announced: the BIALL Conference Committee is delighted to open the Call for Papers for # BIALL2022, and our intended venue is Wyboston Lakes Resort (Woodlands event centre) from 6 – 8 July.
Since our follow-up survey indicated that members wished for a return to face-to-face conferences we have been looking for a suitable venue. We think we found it in Wyboston Lakes Resort (6 – 8 July).
Therefore, we invite proposals for plenary and parallel sessions, as well as 15-minute lightning talks on our theme for 2022 conference ‘Our Journey to New Horizons: Leading innovation and knowledge‘.
What better way to bring our association together than to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the death of Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, the Irish born British Antarctic explorer, who was part of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. We would like to hear from potential speakers who have made great efforts to advance their customer value and professional development, so, for example:
• Shackleton was an exemplar for bringing order from chaos. Tell us about managing your resources, tackling upper management; any issues you’ve overcome to innovate and update.
• Seen as a model for corporate leadership due to his people-centred approach (Morrell & Capparell, 2001), what projects or developments have required your give and take involving customers, clients or end users? Did you go the extra mile; like Shackleton saving his crew in the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1914–1917!
• Despite adversity have you also developed the capability to be successful? We’re interested in any innovative solutions or predictions based on case studies or research you’ve undertaken to bring new ideas to the fore, any tips, favourite tools, strategies, or technologies.
We welcome proposals from persons of diverse identities and professional backgrounds and on any topics broadly related to our theme.
If you aren’t sure about your proposal or haven’t presented before and would like advice, or would like to consult with us before submitting, please do contact a member of the programme committee:
Tonia Sexton: tonia.sexton@freeths.
Michael Maher: Michael.Maher@
Denise Watkins: Denise.Watkins@
Brief outlining the Call for Papers and the session proposal forms are now available on the BIALL website: uk/annual-conference/2022- annual-conference/
Forms (Plenary and Parallel) – conference/2022-annual- conference/conference-2022- plenary-parallel-submission- form/
Forms (Lightning) – conference/2022-annual- conference/conference-2022- lightning-talk-submission- form/
Initial proposals should be submitted via the website no later than 17 December 2021.
The Committee looks forward to receiving your submissions.
Kindest regards, Julie Doran
BIALL Conference Committee (Chair)