BIALL 2009 Conference Details Announced

The BIALL Conference 2009  will be held at University Place, Manchester from18-20 June…..

Booking will be opening shortly for BIALL’s 2009 conference
The provisional programme can now be found at, and includes a keynote from Dave Snowden on the impact of social computing on knowledge management. Other sessions include Linda Holbeche of the CIPD speaking on the topical issue of change management, and Jenny Rowe, Chief Executive of the new Supreme Court, speaking before the Court’s scheduled opening later this year.

Several sessions will also cover issues of copyright, including Andrew Greenan of the CLA talking about the new law firm license.
BIALL members will be receiving further details and a booking form in the post. Non-members will be able to find the booking form on the BIALL website very soon.
Hannah Fogg
Programme Coordinator, BIALL Conference Committee
E-mail hannahfog(at)