Have you ever wanted an international partner for your library? Have you ever wanted to work overseas?
The International Library and Cultural Exchange Interest Group of the Colorado Association of Libraries and the Arthur Lakes Library of the Colorado School of Mines are sponsoring an online international conference, Better Together: The Power of Global Library Connections. The conference aims to inspire and motivate participants to support and participate in international librarianship.
On Monday, March 6, a free online conference will feature speakers worldwide. Highlights include:
- Dr. Jesús Lau, Professor at Universidad Veracruzana and Co-Chair of UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance, speaking on the value of international cooperation among libraries.
- A panel of librarians from China and the Colorado School of Mines will discuss their successful STEM project.
- Librarians from Park City, Utah, will describe their partnership with a library in Bimal Library Nepal.
- A representative from the Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan, will describe their partnerships with multiple international universities and how the library was involved
- Representatives from Sister Cities International and the American Library Association International Relations Round Table Sister Libraries Committee will provide examples of partnerships and tips on making them successful.
Captioning in English will be provided. A tip sheet handout will be made available to all participants.
Participation in the conference is free. To register for the free online conference, click on the link below.
Questions: Contact Carol Smith at cesmith@mines.edu