Berkeley Law invites to free webinar on China plant variety protection

To what extent does China’s plant variety IP regime address China’s twin goals of becoming an agricultural innovator and meeting the food security needs of its vast population?

China Stakes Out Its Place in Plant Variety Protection

An Update with Experts on PVP and Agricultural IP Developments in China

October 13, 2021
5:00 – 6:30 P.M. (PT)
Virtual Event

Since China established its legal regime for the protection of new varieties of plants in 1997, it has emerged as the country with the largest number of plant variety applications in the world, as well as the most litigious.

China’s current plant variety regime focuses on policy and legislative initiatives, including work on a new Seed Law by the National People’s Congress. Its plant variety protection enforcement efforts also reflect many of the reforms already undertaken in other areas of IP law, including: providing for punitive damages, burden of proof reversals and exceptions and limitations to infringement. Yet, China has yet to accede to UPOV ’91, the latest version of the WIPO treaty to protect plant varieties.

To what extent does China’s plant variety IP regime address China’s twin goals of becoming an agricultural innovator and meeting the food security needs of its vast population?

We will explore the public policy implications of China’s efforts to become a major force in new plant varieties, the technical aspects of China’s emerging plant variety regime, and how these changes fit into China’s overall IP practice.

Our forthcoming webinar with leading experts on US and Chinese plant variety protection is free and open to the public. CLE credit will be available.


  • Elaine Wu, USPTO (overview)
  • Amy Martin, Driscoll’s
  • Dan Fang, American Seed Trade Association
  • Xu Yi, Lusheng Law Firm
  • Zhou Yanhao, Sinochem/Syngenta
  • Alanna Rennie, Baker McKenzie


  • Mark A Cohen, BCLT/Berkeley Law
  • Michael Ward, Morrison Foerster

China Stakes Out Its Place in Plant Variety Protection