Berkeley Boat Hall Rankings Drop – Budgets Slashed Says Above The Law Report

The report reveals that the law school  fell four spots in the annual U.S. News & World Report ranking — marking their ouster from the top 10 for the first time since 2005.

Below see the introduction to their piece and information about cuts to academics .. will the library budget be affected too.. is the question we’re asking at HOB.


They did manage to snag a noted constitutional law scholar, Erwin Chemerinsky as the new dean… but it came after a sexual harassment scandal forced Sujit Choudhry out of the position. So they’re due for some good news.

Unfortunately, the new budget UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ has revealed calls for $2 million in cuts to the law school, as well as higher fundraising benchmarks. The Daily Californian reports the law school is planning on cutting the number of associate deans from seven to three to the tune of ~$1.5 million in savings.

UPDATE 8/16/2017: A representative of Boalt Hall reached out to Above the Law and let us know that a correction has been made to the Daily Californian report, and to provide additional context to the decision to streamline from seven associate deans to three:

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