Belgian regulator to meet with licensee reps once a year under new measures

A number of amendments to Belgium’s Gambling Act have been published in the country’s Official Gazette, one of which mandates Belgium’s regulator to meet with licensee representatives once per year.

The amendments were published today (22 May) and reiterated by Belgium’s regulator, the Commission des Jeux de Hasard (CJH). The new measures will come into force on 1 June 2024.

Under the new measures, the CJH must meet with licence holder representatives once per year and discuss player protection measures. The regulator must provide a yearly update on these meetings in its annual report.

On the subject of player protection, another amendment will see the phrases “18 years” and “minors” replaced with “21 years”. This amends Article 15/2 of the Gambling Act, which states that the CJH will issue warnings to those who infringe the Act in a way that affects a person under the age of 21. The municipality must also inform the CJH when an F2 licensee is the subject of a police report due to a breach of the law committed against a person under 21 years old.

In March, the CJH announced a different set of amendments to the Gambling Act that will come into force on 1 September 2024. These amendments will raise the minimum gambling age to 21 and ban all gambling advertising.

At the beginning of the year, the Belgian expertise centre for alcohol, illegal drugs, psychoactive medication, gambling and gaming called for the minimum gambling age to be raised to 21.

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