BBC: Ukraine war: The Russian student under arrest for an Instagram story

University student Olesya Krivtsova has been missing a lot of classes.

That’s because 20-year-old Olesya is under house arrest. She has an electronic tag on her leg. Police can monitor her every move.

Her alleged crime? Olesya was arrested for anti-war posts on social media. One of them concerned last October’s explosion on the bridge linking Russia to annexed Crimea.

“I posted an Instagram story about the bridge,” Olesya tells the BBC, “reflecting on how Ukrainians were happy with what had happened.”

She had also shared a friend’s post about the war.

Then the drama began.

“I was talking on the phone to my mother,” Olesya recalls, “when I heard the front door opening. Lots of police came in. They took away my phone and shouted at me to lie on the floor.”

Olesya was charged with justifying terrorism and discrediting the Russian armed forces. She faces up to 10 years in prison.