An odd time to do it.. but there you go.
The Gaming Control Authority under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and the Gambling and Lotteries Regulation Commission of Ukraine have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of supervision of gambling and lotteries.
Understanding the importance of international cooperation, exchange of information and best practices, and feeling the need to improve and deepen their knowledge in the field of business supervision and regulatory practices and enforcement of legislation, the Parties to the Agreement, from now on, will continue the cooperation established almost a year ago, the smooth progress of which was hindered by the outbreak of war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. On the basis of the present Agreement, they will continue their cooperation and pursue the targeted objectives in the agreed areas. The authorities will exchange legal information, market regulation practices, the application of legislation and requirements for businesses.
“We are ready to share with our Ukrainian colleagues our experience in areas where we already have a lot of expertise and practice (eg. in the field of prevention of problem gambling, application of measures against illegal remote gambling operators, technical requirements for gambling devices, etc). We are very pleased with this agreement and with the fact that our new partners are colleagues of the authority of this tenacious, unyielding and proud country. We hope, this cooperation will be mutually beneficial and we will support and assist our Ukrainian colleagues in their needs to our best abilities and in the scope of our competence,” Virginijus Daukšys, Director of Lithuania’s Gaming Control Authority, said.