Australia’s Crown Prosecution “Dismayed” At Situation In Fiji

Good to see public comments from the Australian Crown Prosecution service on the Fiji issue…

They write:


The Australian Association of Crown Prosecutors, representing Crown Prosecutors from all jurisdictions of Australia, views with dismay and concern the recent actions of the military government of Fiji in forcibly removing and summarily dismissing the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Josaia Naigulevu, from office. Mr Naigulevu has maintained the professionalism and independence of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions of Fiji for many years under difficult circumstances.

This Association condemns the actions of the military government of Fiji in removing and dismissing the DPP and calls on the military government of Fiji to protect and respect the independence, professionalism and safety of those who still work in the DPP office and to ensure that they are able to perform their professional functions in accordance with standards set by the United Nations and the International Association of Prosecutors. Those standards relevantly require that States shall ensure that prosecutors are able
to perform their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment, improper interference or unjustified exposure to civil, penal or other liability.

Mark Tedeschi QC
(Former State Counsel, Fiji)
Gavin Silbert SC
Vice-President (Victoria)
Ross Martin SC
Vice-President (Queensland)
Bruno Fiannaca SC
Vice-President (Western Australia)