Australian Partner Blames His Newborn For Bad Temper

Congratulations to Roll On Friday yet again for finding the news that counts…

Along with Diedre Dare the erotic novelist from UK firm Allen & Overy ( see the story in House of Butter) this guy has to win dork of the week with an email sent out to his associates and junior lawyers blaming his bad temper on the fact that he has to deal with a newborn at home.

Here’s the text of his email as reported by Roll on Friday :

From: Male partner
Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 6:24 PM
To: Partners and Lawyers in Insolvency & Restructuring Group
Subject: Sleep

As you know, I have a newborn and a toddler at home. I expect that there will be a certain shortage of sleep in the [ ] household over the next couple of months.

[A colleague] will have told you all (probably a couple of times) that I am grumpy when I have not had enough sleep. Of course, this is untrue (some would say lack of sleep has nothing to add to my grumpiness), but for the purposes of this email I am assuming that he is right.

So if I snap at you, please consider that I may be suffering from overtiredness. It will not be because you have just interrupted me midthought, or that you have handed me the same piece of shit work for the third time without correction, or that you have put a particularly dreaded client through on the phone without warning me – it will all be the fault of my baby.

So please accept my apologies in advance for any emotional suffering that I may cause.

What a charmer !